SESSA established in 1977 a duly registered NPO, registration number 092-304-NPO, dedicated to the promotion of renewable and energy efficiency development.
The aim of the Code of Conduct is as follows:
To assist in co-operating, developing, instituting, maintaining and promoting a code of good conduct and practices for SESSA membership
All applicants for new membership and annual renewal membership must sign an application form indicating that they agree to abide by this Code of Conduct and Responsibility and the SESSA constitution. Non-conformance will be a basis for cancellation of membership.
All legal entities or persons holding any form of membership with the SESSA:
- Shall uphold and enhance the honour, integrity and dignity of the solar industry and the SESSA by maintaining high personal and business standards at all times.
- Shall solicit work, advertise and promote their services and products with dignity and truth. Any potentially misleading statements, untruthful statements or actions will result in the member being in breach of this code.
- Shall ensure the safety and satisfaction of the customer and of the community as it is affected by methods and workmanship to the best of that accredited person’s ability, and ensure that the highest standards of courtesy and consideration of customers and fellow members is maintained.
- Shall apply their skill and knowledge in the interest of their clients or employers for whom they act as faithful agents or trustees.
- Shall use appropriate materials taking into consideration the legislation, SABS recommended specifications, codes of practice and similar, and the customers’ best interests.
- Shall regard as confidential any information concerning the business and technical affairs of their clients and employers.
- Shall inform the industry body, their clients or employers if there is a conflict of interest or disagreements.
- Shall not express or imply, outside an official meeting of SESSA criticism of:
- The workmanship of another member
- The account of another member
- The product of another member
- Conduct of another member/members.
- Shall deal honestly and truthfully with clients, employers and government agencies in all matters pertaining to payments, discounts, rebates and grants and the conditions applying to them.
- Shall continue their professional development throughout their careers and shall assist and encourage other accredited persons to similarly advance their knowledge and experience.
- Shall observe and conform to all relevant Standards and all relevant guidelines, and all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations and codes of practice.
- Shall promptly report any apparent breach of any of the above rules by a fellow member or applicant for membership to the SESSA in writing.
- Shall promptly report any apparent breach of any of the above rules by a non-accredited person operating in, or making statements about, the sustainable energy industry to a member of the Standards, Training and Accreditation committee to allow an appropriate response to be made by SESSA
- Shall ensure that any person claiming faulty workmanship or disputing an account shall be referred to the member, or to SESSA, and in the case of complaint regarding inferior workmanship the member concerned shall either:
- Make good or replace the work that is subject to the complaint, or recalculate his charge.
- Have the case investigated by the SESSA and agree to abide by its decision or the decision made by the appointed SESSA independent agent.
- Shall promptly pay all membership fees and dues as stipulated from time to time by SESSA management.
- Members in conflict with any of the above may be deemed not to be in good standing and hence liable for suspension.